Come in with the Rain

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

Destiny Never Comes Too Late

Recently I hear this words said to me - much: "Unfortunately you came too late.." "If only he knew you first.." and so on and so on..

I strongly believe that destiny never comes too late, that never a single leaf would fall without written by the Creator.

Lalu kalau ada orang yang berkata saya terlambat muncul dalam hidup seseorang, saya jadi bingung.  I mean, I’m always here, I never know when my life would cross someone else’s line.  It’s not my power to decide when I will show up in someone's mind.  I just here.

And sadly, it wasn't happened just once, I already went through this kind of situation several times.  And in my past years, I would blame destiny of course.  But now I think I've grown up.  I would never blame anything, anyone, or anyhow.  I believe that everything happens for a reason.  There'll always be a reason when you're not destined to fit into someone's life.  Besides, only good people for another good people, while maybe I'm not good enough, God knows.

And now, as I'm getting tired of that "why not me" questions from myself and others, I simply will do nothing than pray, because that's the only thing I can do.
I will pray, for myself, for you, for everyone else, for wherever my road may lead, it will lead me to a good one, the best one.

So please my friend, can we just stop the questions and asking another questions instead?
I always try not to have regrets anymore, " tidak ada yang kusesali, tidak juga nanti, kuharap kamu juga demikian.." Kata Dee di Supernova.  Dan kalau mengutip kata-kata Fahd Djibran "Lagipula, diatas segalanya, jodoh bukan cuma soal perasaan..".

It's destiny.  And destiny never comes too late.