There’s still vividly in mind about the shooting in
Charlie Hebdo Headquarters in France that happened last month. When two strangers shouted “Allahu Akbar”
before shot 12 peoples, include the chief director of the newspaper, and
suddenly, being a muslim-which is some people think you’re half terrorist when
you’re muslim in some muslim minority country- became an issue again. Despite of the satire caricature about
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that Charlie Hebdo published, which me, as a muslim
also hate it, but I don’t think killing people is the answer. I found an article that told me about how hard
it was to build trust from non-muslim people to the muslim in muslim minority
country, and it will be harder-once again-after the shooting in Charlie Hebdo. Especially when all the international media
blew this case up and it became international issue about “Terrorism”.
And few days ago, I read heartbreaking news about the
shooting, again, but this time the victims were my brother and sisters. Three young muslim founded death in their
apartment in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with bullet in their head, without
any sign of resistance from them. The shooter
said it was because they had argue about the parking lot, but the family and
friends of the victims said that the victims once told them that the shooter came
and talk to them with gun in his belt, he showed them the gun to insult
them. But the family and friends think
the problem was already over because they never mentioned him again. Only Allah knows the truth. But killing people is not the answer. They just students, they even younger than me,
and the husband and wife just got married for few weeks, for god’s sake!
This shooting triggered emotional reaction to the
community, and also from muslims around the world. Anger, sadness, and question: why the
international media didn’t blow this up like the one in Charlie? Why there’s no “terrorist” label for the
shooter? Is “terrorist” label only for muslim?
There’s rumor that the shooter will be examined for
his mental and psychological. Do you
know what that means? There is no way to
punish people with mental illness. I wonder
if he was a moslem, maybe the police will shoot him directly when he was

I, we as muslim in Indonesia, the largest muslim
country in the world, sometimes forget how easy our life is. How it is so easy to wear hijab or any
religion attribute, any religion, not only Islam. How it is so safe to walk alone with hijab or
any religion attribute. Maybe we will
never feel –and I hope we do never feel it- as minority. And I didn’t write this as a show off, I write
it as a reminder, for myself, for my brothers and sisters, about the humanity,
about how it is so evil to take someone’s life because of what they worship, or
even for whatsoever reason. It’s not in
our hand to take someone’s life. And how,
we are blessed to be in this country, and how we should always pray for things
like this will never happen here, and how we should care more and more aware to
what happen around us. And also how, our
country should stands up as a good example for tolerance and harmony, and how our country should speaks against humanity and religion issues like this. I can only pray.
the stories: