Kalau diinget-inget sebenernya dari jaman TPA tertarik banget sama bahasa Asing.. Sayang dari dulu ngga pernah punya kesempatan les bahasa kayak temen-temen yang lain.. Biasa.. Ga Ada uangnya :D
Pas jaman SMA, sayangnya ga ada jurusan bahasa.. Jadi ambil yang nyerempet-nyerempet ngebahas bahasa dan kebudayaan..
Buat saya.. Bahasa itu menakjubkan.. Incredibly amazing!
Language is the first thing we learnt as a baby. We learnt how to communicate through our own language, and then we tried to mimicking our parents. Bahasa adalah pembentuk kebudayaan. Language formed society. People with the same language shared ideas, knowledge, ideals, and then passed the knowledge to the next generation.
My drama lecturer said that artist, writer, and other profession that used language as their power, are the one who always feared in revolution. She said machine gun can kill them, but their words will travel through time and place. I personally amazed at her words knowing that the statement is right.
Dan di semester ini kami belajar tentang English Literature, and I remember her words again. Of how words and works of art can travel through time.
Memang sih keliatan ga ada gunanya belajar jaman Renaissance, Romantic Age, and so on. But learning language is also learning about wisdom. How we see things in how others saw it hundreds of years ago. About people at that time also questioned about life, about their existence, about the personal feelings and everything in their mind. And in some of them, I found wisdom.
I do hope I can be wiser and wiser each day.
"Of that there was and end; so there may be of this"
Taken from Deor's Lament, from the Old English Period.