Beberapa orang mungkin akan berpikir kalo telat banget ya baru belajar renang di usia segini, but hey.. my 55 years old mother also just finished her swimming class! So I guess age is just a number right..
Terus kenapa tiba-tiba belajar renang?
Karena baru ada kesempatan dan tempat yang pas sih sebenernya. Awalnya sih ngira bakal panik ya pas di air, tapi setelah belajar ternyata asik bangeet.. Yah, walaupun setelah 8 pertemuan tapi belum expert banget, tapi lumayan lah jadi ga terlalu panik kalo nyelup di air.. hehe..
And what I enjoy most from swimming is.. Serenity.
The relaxing silence you feel the moment your head and your body is inside the water, the movement of your body that feels more like dancing inside the water, and the peaceful feeling of nothing except your breathe..
For someone that has a super noisy mind like me, swimming is some kind of moving meditation that shut all the noise and give a time for my self to think about nothing.
Ya kira-kira merasa jadi seperti putri duyung. :)
*btw yang mau kursus renang di depok, ada tempat namanya Khodijah Muslimah Centre (KMC) yang khusus buat muslimah, bisa cek websitenya di ya.. recommended banget deh pokoknya!