Come in with the Rain

Minggu, 24 Januari 2016


I got this enchanting crystal flower as my birthday gift from one of my best friend last year.  This beautiful crystal is something we have to work on before it “grows”, and it will be a chemistry experiment that absolutely easy and simple.  Inside the box, we will find an empty bottle, a crystal powder, a crystal growing tablet, a wood stick, a cork, LED lamp, batteries, and an instruction leaflet.

To grow the crystal powder, simply follow the instructions on the box or we can find it on the instruction leaflet too.  To start the experiment, prepare all the items from the box and follow the instruction.

1.       First, we prepare boiling water and pour it into the empty bottle, there’s a line on the wood stick as a marker for how much you should pour the water.  Add the crystal powder and stir it until the powder dissolve.
2.       Place the crystal growing tablet into the solution.
3.       Close the bottle with the cork lid and let it be for 24 hours.

4.       The next 24 hours, open the cork, you can see the crystal slowly grow on the tablet.
5.       Continue to open the cork for the next 12-15 days or until you get the crystal form you want (for mine, I waited for 3 weeks).

6.       Dry out the remaining solution, and clean up the bottle, but be careful not to drop water into the crystal, just use a wet towel or tissue to clean the bottle.
7.       Place the batteries inside the cork lid and close the bottle.  Now you can see the colorful light reflects on the crystal flower and it will shine more brilliantly on a dark place.

I really love to see the lights on the crystal before I go to bed.  It’s somehow relaxing and gives a new hope for a better day tomorrow.  Ah, you can find this enchanting Lumineux on Gramedia bookstore everywhere.  Trust me, you’ll love it!

Ps. The crystal flower comes with 12 beautiful words, and mine is "Happines", as if it's a reminder that even when we can't find happiness, we can always create them, with simple things or a complicated chemistry reaction like this one. J